Important information for you who represent an organisation

If you represent an organization or a förening we need to get documents that confirm that you can enter into an agreement with Returkultur, on the behalf of your organization. At the time of you registering for an account, you will need to send in the following documents to in an email named “Kontoregistrering extrauppgifter”:

If you represent a non-profit association (“ideell förening”), you need to send us the following:

  1. A signed copy of the last annual meeting minutes.

  2. The organization’s statutes. These should clearly show who on the board that is allowed to sign legally binding agreements in place of the organization.

If you represent a company type of organization (“aktiebolag” or “ekonomisk förening”), you need to send us the following:

  1. A registration evidence from Bolagsverket, confirming who is allowed to sign agreements in place of the organization.

On site at Returkultur, you will also sign a physical membership agreement with Returkultur in two copies. You’ll keep one and we’ll archive the other. The person signing must have the legal right to enter into agreements on behalf of the organization, and should be able to identify themselves if prompted to do so (so bring an ID).